Easy Diets to Lose Weight Fast - how to lose weight fast and easy - How to lose weight fast in 2 weeks

Easy Fat Loss Tip That Makes Any Diet Plan Have a Better Chance For Success

When it comes to fat loss I know exactly what my problem is. It's nothing to do with my diet or my fat loss exercise program. It's the amount of food I eat at meals. Something always happens and I end up eating more than I wanted.

Here is a way to overcome this problem of eating too much once and for all.

I've known about this for a long time, I even ordered one of those plates from TV that separates everything into convenient portions on your plate. It makes it hard to go over your normal serving but the problem is I don't always have access to it and I didn't want to buy more.

So then one day the answer came to me. Now don't laugh because the importance of this will become clear. But the answer is to get smaller serving plates. I don't mean go from a dinner plate to a saucer plate. What I'm talking about is just get smaller serving plates, a whole set of them.

Now as I fill my plate it actually looks like I'm getting more when it's really the same serving as I would get with a larger plate. Of course you don't want to cheat and fill the plate so full the food starts falling off. Just fill your plate with what looks like a normal serving.

What this is telling the part of me that's on the diet is I'm not depriving myself. I've noticed in the past when I felt deprived, then the diet became too much work and I eventually fell off whatever fat weight loss program I was on at the time.

The beauty of this tip, is after awhile, you won't remember that you're using smaller serving plates. This is just a little trick that has helped me stay on my fat loss diet. Just try it, what have you got to lose?

Eating a Balanced Diet - Made Easy

Eating a balanced diet can be made easy if you start out with the right frame of mind.

Don't think:

    Strict guidelines on nutrition
    Having to keep very slim and thin
    Staying away from the foods I love

Instead think:

    Feeling great
    Having more energy
    Stabilized mood
    Sharper thinking and memory
    Reducing risk of serious illness

Here are 3 tips for eating a balanced diet:

Avoid Extremes

Cutting out one particular food group altogether can be counterproductive. We need a variety of foods including:


Once you cut out one group altogether there is a great temptation to want to eat it. Then one transgression brings on guilt feelings!

Instead simply cut down on sizes and portions and don't eat certain foods so often. Just be 'moderate' when it comes to your eating habits.

Eat A Variety Of Proteins

Eating a balanced diet must include a variety of proteins as these give us energy! Of course, it is easy to overdo proteins in a diet.

That's why it's good to be aware of the number of food sources which can provide proteins and include a variety in our diet for healthy eating.

If you are concerned about family healthy eating then children certainly need proteins. It doesn't have to be meat, meat, meat. Open up new avenues to explore such as:


Balance out your meals by having a selection of vegetables or grains as well as protein.

Feature Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables contain a wonderful variety of antioxidants, fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Train yourself to be attracted to a variety of colors and enjoy the health benefits!

Greens of course are a must in any healthy diet as they are such a rich source of minerals. Go for darker green vegetables for a change.

Then again, there are a fine selection of sweet vegetables which can help out with sugar cravings. Corn, beets and carrots are in this group.

Try fruit as part of your dessert regularly. They are a fantastic source of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.

When it comes to eating a variety of fruit and vegetables think of a rainbow. Go for all the colors you can.

A word of caution: Fresh is best, canned is to be avoided. Often, prepared fruit and vegetables come in syrups or dressings which can undo any good that could be derived.

Cultivate A Balanced Healthy Eating Mindset

In advertising marketers will stress benefits, benefits, benefits when trying to sell to a customer. A customer is not so much interested in features as to what the product will do for them.

Apply the same strategy when working out a balanced diet. Think of the benefits, more energy, sharper thinking, just feeling good!

Yes, it is possible to make eating a balanced diet easy. It's not so much to do with the tummy. It really starts in the mind!

Easy Diet Tweaks To Lose Calories

Nutrition is a significant part of our fitness plans. Investing time on planning daily meals can make us reap big rewards. Having basic knowledge of what goes into everyday foods allow you to swap high fat ingredients for low calorie ones. This results to maximum satisfaction minus the weight gain. One secret of making your nutrition plan tick is to make sure that your food is palatable. You should find it appealing enough to commit yourself to it. Otherwise, you'll always find reasons to cheat on it. In the end, as in relationships, the one who cheats is the biggest loser. Or in this case, the one who expands in girth.

Midday sandwiches are healthy if you know how to choose what's good for you. Turkey and chicken should be your top picks. We can compromise on roast beef but ham and other processed meats should be out of the picture. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use avocado to moisten a dry sandwich. On salads, go easy on light olive oils. They're not as nutritious as the extra virgin ones. You can save on calories but lose out on the nutrient content. You can compromise by using extra virgin oil sparingly.

Before eating, drink two glasses of water. It fills you up and decreases the amount of food you'll consume. Doing so also ensures that you get your eight glasses a day, which keeps you adequately hydrated. When going out, your beverage of choice should be preferably low in calories. Liquid calories are notorious for promoting weight gain because you just don't regard them as serious calorie sources. Unsweetened iced tea and water are good choices. To avoid getting overwhelmed in the buffet table, just remember this rule. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Fill the rest with complex carbohydrates and lean protein.

If you've got a chocolate craving you can't shake off, here's a little trick. Add shavings of dark chocolate into chili or barbecue sauces. You'll get a rich flavor plus antioxidants. Just don't overdo it. Rid your canned beans of too much sodium. These are rich sources of protein but too much sodium is not good for your health and your belly. Rinsing canned beans sheds one third of their total sodium content.

A healthy nutrition plan is essential for lasting weight and fat loss. This is simply because such action will enable you to sustain the entire process. Temporary "fits all" diets are just quick fixes. They may be effective at first, however, purely unreliable in the long run. All the weight you lost is bound to come back later. A healthy nutrition plan is like a good spouse. It might not be the most attractive option but one that will assuredly love you back.

Easy Weight Loss Diets - simple meal plan to lose weight - 7 day diet plan for weight loss

Banana and Milk Diet - A Simple Solution For Weight Loss

Looking to shed a few pounds quickly? Think about the banana and milk diet. This diet may seem like just another fad, but if done correctly, it's actually a great way to lose weight. Critics of the diet claim it's akin to starvation and will not give results long term, which is true if you try to stick to just bananas and milk for too long. But if you don't overdo it and adhere to the following updated version of the diet, then you'll see results and stay healthy.

The banana and milk diet became popular in the 1950s, when doctors and nutritionists first wrote about the dietary value of milk and bananas. For weight loss, these two ingredients provide the body with all the nutrients it needs-potassium, carbohydrates and protein, to name a few. Traditionally, the diet calls for eating only three bananas and three glasses of milk per day for about a week. This traditional regimen will lead to weight loss-at a price. It's unhealthy to limit your caloric intake for such an extended period of time. And with this basic method, it's likely that the weight will come right back after the diet is abandoned.

A modified version of the banana and milk diet is safer and works better in the long run, although pounds will be dropped more slowly. Just follow this daily weight loss diet plan: you eat only bananas and milk for two meals of every day. For the third meal, usually dinner, you can eat whatever you like as long as it fits in a standard-sized coffee mug. Allowing yourself to eat something new for dinner will make the diet more interesting and provide your body with the extra calories and nutrients it needs. But restricting this meal to the size of a coffee mug will keep your portions in control and ensure that your daily caloric intake remains in the weight-loss zone.

Easy Weight Loss Tips - I Need Diet Help

How did I do it?

I wanted a great, easy weight loss plan which worked well. I focused on myself, ate healthier, made the time and effort to perform some regular physical activity. Definitely, if it is working for me, it will be right for you.

Defeat your eating routine straight into an easy diet to follow

We now live in a world of processed products. The actual result about this is definitely a boosting society of obese grown ups and youngsters. For those who have excessive weight, you really are at risk of suffering diabetes issues, heart problems, high-blood pressure along with other diseases.

It's been said tons of times, processed food products are rubbish. Take proper care of your state of health and erase these items out of your food plan. Swap them for a lot more healthy, natural-food, such things as, vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, lean meats, beans, legumes, uncooked nuts and seeds.

Don't fool yourself in to thinking it is possible to change your negative eating patterns within hours. Bear in mind, negative behavior is hard to break. A perfect approach will be, steadily increase the changes in to your daily life.

Such as, you ought to replace your breakfast pastry for a serving of oatmeal, a bit of lean bacon, as well as some fresh fruit. If you must eat at restaurants every day arrange to make healthy and balanced, low-cal dishes in your own home several times throughout the week.

Whenever dining out, you can exchange various junk foods for healthier meals. As an example, instead of choosing a plate of french fries along with your meal, select a little salad. Keep making these types of easy diet modifications and they definitely will shape right into a new eating plan.

Tips on, how to slim-down your waistline

Slim-down your waistline is focused on fat-burning. When you eliminate all the processed junk out of your diet program, you'll immediately decrease your calorie consumption as well as shed excess weight. On the other hand, unless you do something to kick-start your fat burning capacity, it will steadily decrease, and you will probably not observe further fat reduction benefits.

You don't need to do intense exercising to obtain amazing outcomes. Probably the most important issue is that you actual make your body active. Walking up and down stairs, going for fast walks during the day, forget your car or local transport and walk pretty much everywhere, for certain you'll get far more physical exercise than you usually get.

Obviously, as your health and fitness level increases, you need to boost your exercise routine to maintain those easy weight loss solutions.

Focus on to an easy diet plan

Whenever we speak about easy weight loss plan, we usually target the eating routine and physical activity aspect. Easy weight loss and keeping the weight off is really a difficult job, you have to develop some healthy changes to your way of life.

There could be occasions you feel disappointed and not happy, and times when you go through drawbacks. If you are determined - and I mean really determined, you'll manage to pull your self together.

Easy weight loss with an exceptional healthy eating plan and physical activity will make you truly feel healthier and produce everlasting benefits. If this easy diet plan could make it possible for me to lose weight and keep it off, it will be possible for you to do it, also!

Easy Weight Loss Diets - Create a Diet Plan in 4 Steps

The following is the 4 steps to get your easy to follow weight loss diet:

1) Count the calories you need...

2) Prepare a diet using a calorie calculator.

3) Buy groceries for the diet.

4) Accompany exercises with the prepared diet.

Let me explain these in detail..

1) Count The Calories You Need.

The biggest mistake a person makes is blindly following the diets given by other experts and doctors, but, do not complain anything that they do not like it, or it is not working for them. The main action to take is that you should do it yourself. It has two advantages, one being you will get excited in doing it, and second if it is not working for you, tweak it and try different things.
So, the first step is that you should count the calories your body needs to maintain the already developed weight. You can go to this site [http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm#]. Here you have to enter the details, and then you will get the exact calories your body needs and details about the calories you need for general weight loss and also extreme weight loss.

2) Prepare A Diet With Calorie calculator.

Now, this step is the actual preparation of diet with the help of a calorie calculator, or you add the foods you want to eat by calculating the calories for each type of food. I would recommend a 5 time daily eating plan. The calorie count should be gradually decreasing with the minimum number for the last meal. The reason behind that is your metabolism rate will increase and ultimately your weight will decrease. And you should eat light before sleeping at night as the body should have minimum work while sleeping. And also that the last meal should be 3 hours before sleep.

3) Buy Groceries For The Prepared Diet.

You get that do you? Get out of the house and buy the groceries for at least 3-4 days. The reason being you will have a stock for 3-4 days, and also every 4 days you will have a fresh stock.

4) Accompany Exercise With The Prepared Diet.

The most important thing to have a success with the easy to follow weight loss diets is to have a good exercise plan accompanying it. It might be what you have decided for yourself, or might be your gym instructor or any other program you bought. But, having an exercise plan with the diet is very important for the diet to be successful. After all our goals are of weight loss and maintaining it.

So, apply this 4 steps and create your easy weight loss diets and use them to loss that weight you have gained.

Weight loss tips - Meal plan for extreme weight loss - Weight loss friendly foods

5 Easy Diet Plan and Weight Loss Solutions That You May Not Heard Of

1) Drink a cup of tea

This is an easy diet plan you can try. Scientists have proven that by drinking a cup of tea every single morning can help you control and maintain your body weight. I do not know the effectiveness about this method but I surely want to try out. Just drink tea, it is not that hard to do, right?

2) Taking a shower before dawn

Yet another one of those weight loss solutions that is easy to do. I am sure everybody take a shower in the morning before go to work. The trick here is to have your shower one hour before sunrise. Your body will suck the cold water and this cold water can prevent the fat inside your body from clogging.

No wonder people who take a bath before sunrise always have slimmer body. You need to try out this one.

Want to know more about easy diet plan, keep on reading my friend.

3) Standing upside down

Scientists have proven by standing upside down, which is hard to do by the way, can help you lose weight. When you are upside down, you can fully fill up the blood tube inside your head and improve the circulation of blood. This can prevent you from getting headache and migraine.

Honestly, I still do not get it how it manages to reduce my weight apart from reduce my migraine.

4) Do not eat sea food and land food together

If you eat chicken and fish together at the same time, there is a tendency you are damaging your liver. This has been proven by scientists where they found chicken has a positive ion while fish as a negative ion. When these two ions combine, the biochemical effects will damage your liver.

I guess you better take care on what you eat next time.

5) Eat using your hand

Most Asian countries implement this and only a few from Europe countries. When taking your meal using your hand, it is best to lick your finger after your last bite. What are the weight loss solutions here you might ask? As you can see, there are lots of enzyme which can help digesting your food from your fingers. It is said that the enzyme around your fingers contain 10 times more enzyme than your sliver.

There you have it, all the above are easy to do and you cannot get this easy diet plan from anywhere else. Even though some techniques sound so weird, it does not going to hurt you a thing if you try out.

Easy Diets - Not a Fake

Many individuals are trying to diet while improving the quality of their diets for better health. A great diet is one that will be a blueprint for you, to last a lifetime. If your wish is to find an easy diet that works for you, then you will have to do some homework to find something that is the right fit for you. Or you go to information sites with reviews included! The Sites are given.

There are several online resources that offer information about dieting and maintaining a healthy body. Using the right combination of nutrients and the right proteins, carbohydrates and fats will go a long way in losing excess weight, maybe easy diets sites or something.

To lose weight and keep the weight off, you will be required to make some changes in the way you have been eating. You must reduce your caloric intake and burn the calories that you take in. You must work off these calories by causing your body's metabolism to jump up a few notches.

Some easy diets, with the proper combination of foods, will boost your body's metabolism, yet you still must work off some of the calories and help jump start the metabolism by exercise.

Pay attention to the "Big 3". Chose lower fat foods, eat more vegetables and start reading the labels of the foods you buy at the market. Learn what the labels say. These labels have all of the nutritional information you need to know in order to make buying decisions that are based on what is right for you to eat. This could help to make easy diets.The easiest diets you really need to follow are the ones that work for you and give you the proper nutrients your body needs. With that said, you will need to learn what foods work in harmony to help you lose weight.

There are many easy diet recipes online that you can try. Look them over and try a few. There are also many different diet programs that promise to be easy. Some of these easy diets might help you lose weight, yet they will not be giving your body what it needs to sustain itself at a healthy level.

By taking some time to understand how the body burns fat and maintains at a healthy level, you will be in a position to look at easy diets and discern if this is going to be a healthy diet for you to follow.

Dietary studies have shown that the easiest diets to follow are those that have a combination of several different food groups that do not drastically eliminate the foods you love. It is the reduction of the empty calories and the fatty foods that help to eliminate body fat.

The easiest diets that do not work very well are the "spot diets". It is the fad diets, usually used for a week or two that help you lose weight quickly. These types of diets do not usually pay attention to what nutrients are being depleted in the body. Some of these quick and easy diets can be dangerous to your health, so easy diets could be dangerous but easy diets maybe good for your mind to start weight loss.

Diet to Lose Belly Fat - Easy Diet Tips for A Slim Belly

Getting rid of the belly fat doesn't however translate to skipping meals. Skipping meals is unhealthy as it sends your body a message that you are starving causing your body to store fat instead which ends up wrecking your metabolism. So how exactly can you lose your belly fat just by observing your diet? You fight fat with food. You want to lose that belly fat fast? Knowing what to include in your diet could be all you need.

1. Avoid Sugar

Sugar is your enemy if you are looking to lose your belly fat fast. Reduce sugar in your diet and consider doing away with sugary/artificially sweetened drinks and beverages all together like sodas and fruit juices. A lot of refined sugar can lead to accumulation of fat around your belly. Refined sugar contains fructose, usually metabolised by the liver. Thus when the liver can't metabolize all the sugar, it stores it up as fat which ultimately leads to insulin resistance.

2. Eat More Proteins

Eat proteins like you mean it. Besides protecting you against insulin resistance, proteins supposedly boost your metabolism causing your body to burn your fat reserves. Proteins reduce cravings and leave you feeling fuller for longer. Some of the best protein sources include; fish, poultry products, unprocessed eggs, sea food and dairy products.

3. Cut Down on Carbs

Cutting on carb diets like pasta and white bread is sufficient to make your body start burning fats to fuel itself. High carb diets make your body pile calories and increase water weight. Low carb diets on the other hand target belly fat.

4. Eat Enough Fibre

Foods high in fibre leave you feeling full for longer. However it's the soluble fibre like what can be derived from; apples, berries, beans, cereals like oats and green peas that is most effective in reducing belly fat. Almonds too make a good source of fibre reducing visceral fat build up over time. Snack on either of these to curb your hunger and avoid overeating. Fibre also cleans your body of toxic waste.

5. Eat Mono-unsaturated Fats

Mono-unsaturated fats from sources like; olive oil, avocados and nuts make you gain more muscle and less fat compared to saturated fats which pack on more visceral fat to your body. Also some types of polyunsaturated fats like what's found in walnuts, pine nuts, flaxseed oil, salmon (rich in omega-3) and sunflower seeds could be good in losing belly fat as they are known to cause inflammation to the body. These two types of fats increase the levels of hormones that signal your brain when full hence keeping you from overeating.

6. Eat Green Vegetables

What that flat tummy so badly? Fill your plate with green leafy vegetables. Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, kale, asparagus and arugula have less calories, reduce water retention and more fibre. They contain phyto-nutrients that fight oestrogens causing belly fat. Eating some vegetable salad before a meal will leave you feeling full hence eating less.

7. Carry Water Everywhere

Don't just carry water, take a sip every now and then to remain hydrated. This makes you feel fuller and stay off sugary drinks like soda, which only increases you calorie intake with no nutritional value, when not thirsty.

8. Cut out Processed Foods

Processed foods are loaded with calories and fats and head to the area around your belly which hinders your ability to get that flat tummy. Such foods include; fries, sweetened drinks and crackers.

9. Moderate Dairy

Low calcium causes the body to produce a hormone that stores up visceral fats. Focusing on a calcium rich diet is thus crucial if that belly must go. Calcium sources include; plain Greek yoghurt and milk.

10. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidants that are known to improve your metabolism hence increasing the burning of fat cells.

11. Eat Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate, high in cocoa content, contains stimulants and antioxidants that speed up fat burning. So add it moderately in your intake.

12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Usually found in salmon, walnuts, sea food and flaxseed. All this stuff gives your body a healthy boost and burns fat at the same time.

Lastly don't stop eating clean and then make exercise whether it is light or high intensity your regular habit. You will see wonderful results in a few weeks.

Raw food diet benefits - Raw food diet meal plan - Raw food diet weight loss

Raw Food Diet to Detox and Cleanse Your Body

The best way to cleanse the entire body is to use a colon cleanse with a raw food diet. The reason is that a colon cleanse gets rid of mucoid plaque and years of build up of toxins so that your guy can absorb nutrients again. Without cleansing, a healthy diet is less effective for a body cleanse.

How Does The Raw Food Diet Work?

There are many health benefits to eating raw, whole foods. It is known that when foods are heated to above 118F, enzymes in raw foods are destroyed. Though digestive enzymes are produced by our bodies, it is argued that destroying those naturally occurring enzymes in foods means that the body has to work harder to produce them in order to digest and metabolize the food. Some have estimated that food loses up to 85% of its nutritional value when cooked.

Heating foods, especially in combination with other foods and ingredients can result in the formation of toxins. Harmful trans fat can result from heating oils and fats. Cooking together sugars, proteins and fats can produce molecules known as glycotoxins. These damage other body proteins such as the proteins collagen and elastin in skin, resulting in premature aging. The raw food diet came in a period where the colon cleanse for detox was also gaining much popularity.

Benefits Of A Raw Diet?

Those who eat primarily raw foods claim much higher energy levels over what they experienced before converting to a raw food diet. It is suggested that this is due to the fact that raw foods are easier for the body to digest and metabolize, it requires less energy for this basic function thus releasing it for other activities. With increased nutrients readily available, the body is more energized.

Most people who choose a raw food diet lose weight quickly and keep it off. Because raw foods are low in calories and fat compared to processed, cooked foods, large quantities can be consumed without caloric consequence. Most also report that they no longer experience the cravings they did before changing their eating choices to raw foods.

Being high in natural fiber, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as extracted juices, are natural body cleansers. They are loaded with vitamins and minerals that are the building blocks of the body along with enzymes that assist in burning fat and boosting energy. With the increase in food value from raw foods, the body needs to be fueled less often so you feel hungry less often.

Many believe that there are many other benefits to a raw food diet besides increased energy and weight loss. Overall health can be improved along with reduced risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia and some types of cancer.

Raw Food Cautions?

Eating raw foods that are not certified organic may contain significant amounts of pesticides that can be harmful, especially when consumed in larger quantities. Therefore, it is recommended that only certified organic fruits and vegetables be consumed.

So as you can see, there are important benefits of a raw food diet, including increased energy, better skin, improved weight loss and more. You don't have to go 100% raw food, but can go gradually to 25-50% raw and see how you feel. So go for it and see the benefits for yourself.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Baby Food Diet - Truth About This Latest Weight Loss Craze

Baby Food Diet caused a lot of fuss in Hollywood because there are so many celebrities using this kind of plan to attain their sexy body. That is why there are also many people all over the world trying this plan for them to be able to attain their own goal of having a sexy body. Baby Food Diet plan basically consists of baby foods. We all know that baby foods are organic food because they are meant for babies. That means they are designed to help the babies attain their nutritional needs in just a single scoop. That is why, for just a little serving, you can get a lot of vitamins and minerals essential for your body. However, you need to learn the advantages and disadvantages of the said plan for you to be able to decide if this is the best diet plan for you.

These are the advantages of Baby Food Diet Plan:

Because they are mostly organic, you are sure that what you are eating is not detrimental to your body. You are assured that you will have vitamin packed foods and at the same time, they contain nutrients essential to your body. And the best thing that you can have is that they only contain a little amount of sugar and fats so you do not have to worry if you will gain weight!

The disadvantages of the plan is, because it is in a small container, your problem would be you will not be satisfied at all. And it will result to cravings and if you cannot discipline yourself, it might lead to a serious problem.

But no worry, Baby Food Diet Plan is effective if you will only do your part of disciplining yourself and the diet plan will do the rest!

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Gaining Better Health Through A Raw Food Diet

Chances are that you've probably heard people talk about a raw food diet and how healthy it is for you, but did you ever wonder exactly what it is they're talking about? Perhaps you envisioned raw oysters and beef on your dinner table. That doesn't sound too appealing doesn't?

In fact, a raw food diet is simply eating food in its natural unprocessed state. You probably already are on part of a raw food diet. If you snack on fruits and vegetables without cooking them, then you've eaten raw food.

Raw food, or unprocessed food is much better for you because the act of processing the food strips it of a lot of its vital nutrients. You've probably heard that cooking vegetables can leach out a lot of the vitamins and it can also destroy the important food enzymes as well. Packaged foods, that you find in the grocery store like potato flakes to make mashed potatoes and other foods that have been processed in some way to make an easy package meal not only have little nutritional value, but your body simply isn't made to process these foods.

If you think about raw foods as being the natural foods the way that they come from the earth, then it makes sense that these are easier for our bodies to process as these of the foods are great ancestors ate and there really hasn't been that many generations since grocery stores, and therefore prepackaged foods, were invented.

Raw foods are packed full of vitamins, minerals and food enzymes. These food enzymes are important, although you don't hear a lot about them. One of the things they do is help you digest your food and getting enough enzymes can help your body with the digestion process which takes a lot of energy, and if your body is spending less energy on digestion it will have more energy for you to do the things you like. Did you ever wonder why you feel so tired after you eat a big meal of cooked foods? One of the reasons is because food enzymes are destroyed by cooking, so there are no enzymes to help your body digests that big meal you just ate.

People in a raw food diet eat about 75% of their food as raw and whole foods. This includes fruits, vegetables, sprouts, raw nuts, seaweed and other foods in their natural form.

Raw foods can be prepared in a couple of ways. One of the most popular is juicing. Many people go on a juice fast where all they do is drink the juice of raw organic fruits and vegetables. Even just drinking fresh juice in the morning can give your health a boost.

Another way that people eat raw foods is to use a food dehydrator. This takes all the moisture out of the fruits and vegetables so they can be easily stored for long periods of time without going bad. A food dehydrator uses hot air to dehydrate the food but it keeps the temperature under 116°F so that the vital food enzymes are not destroyed.

Of course, you can simply eat your fruits and vegetables the way nature intended picked straight from the tree. Nuts can be a great raw food that you eat for snacks as well, but be careful because most of the nuts you find in the grocery store are cooked. You need to make sure you get raw nuts which you probably will have to buy either online or from a health food store.

You don't have to all of a sudden start eating 75% of your foods as raw foods in order to enjoy the health benefits of the raw food diet. You can gradually increase the amount of raw foods you eat as time goes on and you will notice how much more energy you have and how healthy you feel. Remember, you are what you eat!

Raw food diet weight loss per week - Raw food diet weight loss before and after

Every Other Day Diet Vs Raw Food Diet - Which is Right For You?

It's a basic principle of weight loss.

Every item of food you put in your mouth contains calories. If you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.

Some foods, like a piece of chocolate cake slathered with chocolate icing, are high in calories, and take a while to burn off. Other foods, like lettuce, are low in calories, and can be burned off faster.

Your body is always burning calories, even if you're sitting still and doing nothing. But being physically active helps you burn calories faster.

So, what are the foods that burn fat fast?

Catabolic foods burn more calories than they contain. For example, an apple contains around 80 or 90 calories. But the energy your body uses to metabolize the apple burns about 180 calories. So, when you eat an apple, your body burns off up to 100 calories more than you consumed.

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Here is a list of high catabolic foods.






















Sweet Potatoes





Now, this doesn't mean you can eat a slice of chocolate cake, and then eat five apples to make up for it. What it does mean is, if you are on a diet, eating certain foods will help you burn calories and lose weight faster. These are also foods you can snack on throughout the day, satisfying your hunger without worrying about ruining your diet.

The Every Other Day Diet (EODD for short) is a weight loss program in which you can eat your favorite foods every other day even if these are the kind of foods you will normally not find on any diet plan. These may include pizza, burgers, and so on.

Naturally, this program does have specific guidelines and you need to eat according to them. But, if you do, you can lose weight without really depriving yourself.

The Raw Food diet is a general term for programs which prescribe eating food in its most natural forms. This is usually vegetarian, if not vegan, programs, so meat eaters will not like this. The idea is that because modern food is filled with chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, drugs, and other pollutants, that we're getting sicker and fatter simply because we're eating bad food and we need to stop.

Ease of Use

I believe that EODD is easier to do than most raw food diets because it's less restrictive and does not require a radical lifestyle change. However, you can get used to eating raw. It's an acquired habit.


EODD does have a support system but so do many online raw food diet plans such as Yuri Elkaim's Eating For Energy program. I believe support is very important which is why I prefer online programs to books.


Raw Food diets as a whole are not centered around exercise. Some include exercise guidelines and some don't. With EODD you will need to workout regularly to get the best results you can. There is no getting around it.

Health Wise

This is a point of contention. If you believe that eating "modern" food is bad for you (and there are experts which say as much) then a Raw Food diet will look healthier to you. If you don't, then you don't need to go to such extremes.

I will say this: there is truth in the claims that our foods are not as clean as they can and should be. However, you need to realize that a eating raw is a commitment to a totally different way of life, so you need to be ready for it.

Each of these 2 methods can work for you. Just choose the one which seems right for you and your life.

Weight Loss and Beauty Through a Raw Food Diet

Raw food pioneer Dr. Ann Wigmore wrote, "The effectiveness of live foods and fresh juices, especially wheatgrass juice, has bankrupted many complex theories about why we become fat and how to reduce quickly ... Among our guests at the [Hippocrates Health] Institute, the average weight loss per week is between four and fifteen pounds" (The Wheatgrass Book, p. 59).

Studies have shown that raw food is less fattening than the same food cooked. According to Dr. Edward Howell, raw fats are not fattening and seem to belong in "a special pigeonhole in nutritional speculations" (Enzyme Nutrition, p.109). While cooked fats accumulate in the body and become very detrimental to our health, raw fats contain lipase (deficient in many obese people), the enzyme involved in metabolizing fat properly.

The word "Eskimo" means "raw eater," as the Eskimos traditionally ate nothing cooked but subsisted chiefly on raw meat and blubber. Dr. V. E. Levine examined 3,000 primitive Eskimos during three trips to the Arctic and found only one person who was overweight.

Cooked starches are also very fattening. Farmers have even learned that it is necessary to feed their animals cooked food to fatten them up for maximal profit. Hogs do not get fat on raw potatoes, but cooking the potatoes makes them gain weight.

In addition to reaching your body's ideal weight, many other beauty factors blossom on a raw diet. Cellulite, which is thought to result from eating heated fats, gradually disappears with the consumption of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. On a raw diet, elimination of cellular waste and increased lymphatic drainage helps remove cellulite.

As the body's old cells are replaced with new, healthy cells through proper nutrition that only a raw diet provides, your hair grows in thicker and at times wilder. It may even regain color after having been gray, as did Ann Wigmore's. Your skin may become as soft and smooth as it was in your youth. Your nails will be strong, clear and shiny. Facial lines may fade or disappear; the face's pasty, white complexion becomes ruddy or rosy. People may remark on how much younger you look. Your eyes will sparkle.

The Hippocrates Health Institute, one of the places where people have gone to learn about the raw food diet, was once described by Cosmopolitan magazine as the "well-kept secret" of beauty and rejuvenation of various famous Hollywood movie stars and celebrities. Now the news media are letting the secret out.

When Demi Moore appeared in a bikini in the Charlie's Angels movie Full Throttle and looked every bit as great as the women younger than her, the word went out that the secret was her raw food diet. Other celebrities who have caught the wave include Alicia Silverstone and Woody Harrelson.

Model Carol Alt wrote in her book Eating in the Raw that the raw diet helps her stay beautiful, slim and young-looking. She attributes her current youthfulness and stamina to having eaten primarily raw food for eight years. She explains that in her thirties she had to starve herself and exercise a lot to stay trim. But as a raw fooder she is able to eat anything she wants, as long as it's raw, and she maintains her weight effortlessly, without ever feeling excess hunger. In addition, she claims she has better abdominal definition without exercising than she did as a cooked fooder who exercised regularly. She also has fewer wrinkles.

Health and beauty are intertwined. Dr. Herbert Shelton wrote, "The woman who maintains her health and youthfulness will retain her attractiveness. If she permits her health to slip away from her, if she values indulgences and frivolities more than she does health and impairs her health in the pursuit of false pleasure, she will lose her BEAUTY; and no art of the cosmetician and dressmaker will be able to preserve it for her."

Researcher Arnold De Vries writes, "In the final analysis, we must regard beauty, health and youth as intimately related. To the extent that you preserve one in your physical being, you also preserve the others. The uncooked fruit and vegetable diet, pure water, sleep and rest, sunshine, strong relationships, exercise, fresh air, fasting if necessary, and abstinence from drugs, vaccines, serums and other toxins are the prime requirements in your attempt to preserve your youth, health and beauty as long as you can" (The Fountain of Youth).

The face becomes more beautiful with a raw diet. "Skin loses its slackness and puffiness and clings to the bones better," write Susannah and Leslie Kenton (Raw Energy, p. 90). "The true shape of the face emerges where once it was obscured by excess water retention and poor circulation. Lines become softer. Eyes take on the clarity and brightness one usually associates with children or with super-fit athletes."

Nutritionist Natalia Rose, author of The Raw Food Detox Diet, profoundly praises the raw food diet as being the key to permanent weight loss. It's a lifestyle in which a woman can even attain her perfect shape without formal exercise or counting calories or grams of fat or carbohydrates and regardless of having had several children. The skin tone improves as cells become healthier and tighter. One dares to go out without make-up.

Tonya Zavasta describes her lifelong obsession with attaining beauty, which she finally discovered in her 40s through a 100% raw food diet. In her book Your Right to Be Beautiful, she explains how each of us can fulfill our full beauty potential, which is robbed by the toxic accumulation of cooked foods, dairy, wheat, salt and drugs. "Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive" (p. 134).

She goes on to explain that on a diet of uncooked foods, "The landscape of the body will change. Fat that has accumulated in pockets under the eyes and at the jaw will melt away. The lumpy potato look of one's face will give way to sleek and smooth contours. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion" (p. 137).

She furthermore describes the radiance and glow produced internally when there is "an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face," which is produced by superior blood circulation. Even the most beautiful supermodel would be enhanced by a raw food diet. She notes that the modern-day version of beauty is more in harmony with health than perhaps ever before, hence "the quest for beauty, instead of a narcissistic preoccupation, becomes a noble pursuit."

Tonya came across many women who would not eat a raw diet for their health, preferring just to take medications. However, they would go raw for beauty, as there is no pill for beauty. In her book Beautiful on Raw, ten women contributed their own experiences of how raw diets added to their beauty.

Various observations were that hair grew out with color instead of gray, sometimes with natural waves or curls, and fingernails grew strong, long and shapely. Cellulite vanished effortlessly. Puffiness in the body and face disappeared, and the skin cleared up. These women often get complimented on the "glow" of their faces. They feel confident without make-up. Their inner beauty and confidence also radiate. They look younger than ever and have no fear whatsoever of getting old. One of the women is 64 and still gets checked out by "the young whippersnappers" when she is at the gym!

Interestingly, many of them, before eating raw, had never been called "beautiful" by anyone, even when they were much younger. One of the women wrote about suddenly becoming aware of the benefits of being attractive, benefits which one who had always been beautiful would take for granted. People were nicer to her, cops didn't give her tickets, and salespeople waited on her first.

The authors of Raw Food/Real World explain, "People who eat only raw, plant-based foods have an unmistakable shine, like a pregnant woman in her second trimester or someone newly in love. They have a radiant positive energy."

You haven't reached your beauty potential until you've tried a raw food diet.

The Raw Food Diet: A Beginner's Guide and Review - Raw Food Diet Review

A Raw Foods Diet You Can Live With - The 60-40 Plan

For most of us, it's hard to think that we can feel satisfied eating like rabbits (lettuce, carrots, raw vegetables) and more importantly, many of us feel that we would ever be able to stick to a diet that consisted of only those foods. However, there are numerous health and weight loss benefits to raw foods diets-benefits that we experience while still allowing for a full dinner and other treats.

Here's the good news about starting a raw foods diet: You don't have to make it a lifestyle and you certainly don't need to feel confined to eating only raw foods when you're hungry. What I propose is called the 60/40 raw foods diet, which means that 60% of the foods you eat are raw and 40% are cooked, regular foods. Simple... and unintimidating.

Personally, I've known several women who have had enormous success with the 60/40 raw foods diet because although they're eating just as much (if not more) food than before, 60% of those calories are coming from wholesome foods. This means that their fat and caloric intake is drastically reduced for most of the day and they can save that 40% of their diet for a healthy but filling, cooked meal and perhaps-if they're feeling daring-a little dessert and a glass of red wine afterwards.

What makes the 60/40 plan for eating raw foods such a delight is that you never need to go hungry and furthermore, the calories you take in are packed with essential vitamins and minerals to pack more of a punch that that one low-carb candy bar you've been desperately gnawing on for food satisfaction all day. The natural simple sugars contained in just one apple or banana are enough to give you the kick you need to start your day off right and the calories and fats found n most raw foods are far more sustaining than the complex, processed sugars that are found in many treats-and even in the diet-brand bars you might buy at the store.

Most women who have tried the partial raw foods diet find that the best system for them is to do all foods for breakfast and lunch and then, by dinner, when they are most craving something hearty and filling, they can indulge at will in a delicious, full dinner without regard to calories or fat intake.

Not worrying about fats and calories? How can that be?

Because if you are on a low-fat and low-calorie diet already, the calories and fats contained in your breakfast, lunch, and snacks will likely only amount to 40% or less of your daily calories. That gives you room to breathe at dinner (within reason, of course) and is a satisfying, much-needed break to what you've been eating all day.

Give it a try and you'll see that you feel better with a diet comprised of fresh, healthy foods and that you never go hungry and can have the luxury of a great dinner, desert, and perhaps a glass (or two-be decadent) of wine.

Raw Food Detox Diet For Seniors

A raw food diet is a nutrient rich diet of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutrient rich equals stronger bones, healthier skin and a greater resistance to disease. Older people tend to have brittle bones that break easily, liver spots and blotchy skin, and they get sick easily. A diet of processed and cooked foods is responsible. The raw food diet is a low-toxin diet.

During a detox diet you eliminate the toxins from cooked and processed foods. Live foods are also rich in the antioxidants that help to prevent cancer and reduce the aging process. Some of the foods richest in antioxidants are blueberries, blackberries, spinach, tomatoes, red grapes, pomegranates, cranberries, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, apples, pecans, cherries and plums. Eat plenty of these foods during your raw food detox to cleanse your body of toxins.

The older population is susceptible to chronic disease and decreased organ function mainly due to nutrition. Decreased organ function may affect the digestive system, absorption, metabolism or the excretion of nutrients. A large percentage, approximately 80 percent of people over 65 may suffer from one or more chronic diseases.

Nutrition, known to interact with the aging process in various ways, is an important factor in their prevention and/or recuperation. There is no better method of obtaining proper nutrition than a detox diet. Don't worry about going hungry while eating these foods because you will eat as much as you want to. Your hunger will always be satiated.

Don't let anyone tell you that your activities should be completely restricted due to your age. OK, maybe you have slowed down a little bit as you aged, but that doesn't mean you should just sit around and age more. On the other hand, if you're 70 you don't suddenly decide you can run a marathon. However, you can take walks, ride a bike or workout. There are workout videos for seniors... and... you can eat right.

A lot of people have a hard time with change, but just to incorporate 25 percent more natural fruits and vegetables and nuts into your diet is a good beginning. It'll get your detox started and you will probably feel good enough about it to forge ahead until your diet is at least 75 percent raw. Raw foods are rich in the nutrients you will not get in processed and cooked foods. You should also drink 8 glasses of water every day.

Fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and legumes are all great raw foods and there are many recipes available to help you make attractive and tasty dishes. Eating raw foods will naturally reduce your caloric intake and increase the nutrients your body requires. The average person gains 1.5 pounds per year. By age 40 what we have always teasingly called "old age chub" sometimes begins to become apparent. That's because at 40 you're not as active as you once were.

You're sitting in an office all day instead of playing football. You're getting the kids fed and settled down instead of going out dancing. Stuff happens. Eating a diet of 75 percent raw foods is a natural weight control. No, you won't waste away. Once your body reaches its natural weight, it'll stabilize itself.

Everybody, regardless of age needs to drink water. You sweat, you use the bathroom; you are constantly eliminating fluids from your body. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water (preferably 8) every day will replace the eliminated fluids and keep your body hydrated. When you are dehydrated your blood pressure can drop causing you to become light-headed or dizzy; you may even pass out. You can experience organ failure if your condition goes untreated. Your urine should be clear or very light yellow when you are drinking enough water.

Usually seniors living on their own are still functioning pretty well. One very good thing about raw food is there's very little or no cooking, so, if getting around in the kitchen is becoming hazardous the danger of getting burned is out, you don't have to spend a lot of prep time to make your carrots look attractive... and you don't have to wake up one morning and declare yourself a raw foodist. You can incorporate raw foods into your diet at a rate that is comfortable for you.

Raw food detox can be a problem if you're not moving around too well. You may want to make sure you're near the bathroom. Another very good thing about eating raw foods is that you don't have to read labels. You know what you're buying. If there's some processed foods you have to eat because of something in your medication, by all means, do so. You may eventually find that you don't need as much medicating once the nutrients of natural foods kick in.

And most importantly, always listen to the advice of your health care provider. Don't be surprised if your physician suggested you increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet. A raw food detox diet will improve the way you look and feel.

Raw Food Diet - Eat Yourself Healthy

Eating raw foods is natural. Our bodies thrive on all that is fresh and vital. A raw food diet (or increasing the amount of raw food that you eat) is bound to bring a feeling of increased wellbeing.

Raw food diets are based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, preferably organic, such as a variety of fresh fruits and vegies, nuts, seeds, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and purified water.

Why Raw Foods?

Basically a vegetarian diet, the raw food diet promotes eating and drinking 'living' foods. Living foods and juices contain the maximum amount of fibre found in raw produce, fibre that can be lost in processing. Such foods are easily metabolised and tend to be lower in calories than the average diet.

Heating food above 116°F destroys enzymes in food that aid in digestion and in absorption of food, diminishing its nutritional value.

Benefits of a Raw Food Diet

A diet of at least 75% raw food offers numerous health benefits, such as increased energy, improved skin appearance, better digestion, weight loss and reduced risk of serious illnesses like heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

A raw food diet contains little or no saturated fats, is low in sodium, high in potassium, magnesium, folate and fibre.
Raw food diets are also excellent detox diets. Different combinations of raw, living foods and juices can be used for colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing and skin cleansing.

The Basics of a Raw Food Diet

Any fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, nuts, legumes, young coconut milk - even seaweed - can be menu items of a raw food diet. Your choice of foods may depend on your reasons for dieting, for example:

- sprouted brown rice slows glucose absorption and improves the metabolism

- cabbage supports healthy cellular function; radish leaves act as an anti-oxidant, as does Shitake mushroom

-carrots are a great source of vitamin A as well as encouraging healthy vision and a healthy cardio-vascular system

You can use a sprouter such as the Easy Green automatic sprouter to sprout seeds, grains, beans - even wheatgrass. Sprouts could be called a 'super food' - organic sprouts contain enormous levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, chlorophyll pigments and enzymes, and are the ideal natural supplement.

Sprouts can be used in salads and soups, or can be juiced. Fresh juices are a great ready energy supply and a good quality juicer, such as the Kempo Greenpower juicer, produces living juices that are full of essential nutrients.

A great juicing recipe to complement a raw food diet is carrot juice with potato, fennel and apple. Simply juice 4 medium carrots, 2 apples, 1 small potato and 1 small stalk of fennel.

Fennel has been shown to reduce and control inflammation of arthritis, it evens mood fluctuation and depressive states and has the rare nutrient called manganese, plus zinc and vitamin B complex.

The nutritional value of grains and seeds is impressive. They contain most of the vitamins - particularly A, B, and E. They're also fantastic natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, and an excellent source of proteins.

You can even use soy milk makers (such as SoyQuick) to make non-dairy drinks from different beans, rice, nuts, seeds and grains to have with breakfast. If you want something a little more substantial than soy milk you can make your tofu (or, of course, visit a good health food shop).

Essentially, the idea of a raw food diet is to eat unprocessed foods for at least 75% of the time. If the idea of raw food isn't very appetising to you, you can warm the food a little as long as the food isn't heated above 116°F.

Cautionary Note

As with any major change in diet, it's wise idea to consult your doctor before beginning a special diet. This is especially true for children, pregnant women, anyone with anemia and anyone with a pre-existing medical condition.

Even natural foods can conflict with certain medications, so please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you're taking any medication.

Because a raw food diet is detoxifying some people suffer a mild detox reaction including mild headaches, nausea and cravings. These symptoms may last for several days and you'll get more enjoyment out of your raw food diet if you cut down on things like meat, sugar and caffeine a week or so before commencing the diet.

Last But Not Least...

A raw food diet is certainly a good way to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Like anything worthwhile it takes time, energy and commitment. Because many of the foods for this particular type of diet are made from scratch there is some preparation time involved. There are many great products on the market that can help you prepare your own living food and save you some time as well.

Combined with regular exercise, a raw food diet is also an excellent weight loss method. If you've been feeling 'a little off', or just need a pick-me-up and some extra energy, then a raw food diet is certainly a good way to go.

Tips to Choose a Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan - How to Lose Weight Fast With Your Dieting Plan

We have a special new diet plan to help you lose weight and slim down in just 7 days! This diet plan is the top vegetarian diet to lose weight safely and effectively!

GM Vegetarian Diet
This vegetarian version of the GM Diet Plan consists of vegetables, legumes, fruits and limited starches. In order to prep your body for this diet, you should eliminate alcohol during the diet, as well as few days prior to starting the plan. This is important as alcohol retains water as it increase the uric acid level, which then prevents the body from detoxifying naturally.

Another key factor of The GM Vegetarian Diet is to drink up to eight to 10 glasses of water per day. As you will be greatly cutting back on the number of carbohydrates you would normally consume, water will act as your main source of energy during this time. Not only will it speed up your metabolism, but it will help naturally remove those extra, unwanted pounds.

For those who have tried this plan previously, or who plan to continue beyond the initial seven day period, it is recommended that you give your body a break for two to three days prior to resuming the diet. This will give your body time to adjust to the new level of nutritional consumption and help reduce any stress on your system as well.

Day 1:

Warning: the first day is always the hardest so try to resist any temptations! Today you will be partaking of fruits only. With the exception of bananas, litchi, mango and grapes; you can eat any fruits in any quantity you wish. However, the most beneficial fruits include melons, strawberries, lime, pomegranate, apples and oranges. You can have up to 20 servings of fruit only today.

Day 2:

Instead of all fruits, today you are only able to consume solely vegetables. However, you can eat as much as you want. Boiled, steamed, roasted, and raw... anything but fried or battered! You should begin your second day with a baked or boiled potato with a just a teaspoon of butter. This will provide your body with the proper amount of carbohydrates and energy required for the day. However, after this, you can only consume veggies.

Limit yourself to only one potato today. If you want to add some zest to your meals, simply add a pinch of basil or oregano. Day 2 is basically a calorie-free day, however, it is chock full of essential vitamins, nutrients and plenty of fiber! If you can survive Day 2, you definitely have what it takes to stick to this diet!

If you want to lose weight with a 7 day diet plan then you can chose the cabbage soup diet. Like the name of the diet suggests, the diet is over 7 days and is only a temporary weight program and should be terminated after 7 days. This particular diet is ideal for rapid weight loss for special events like weddings, vacations etc.

With the cabbage soup diet, you may eat/drink as much cabbage soup, fruit and drink as much caffeine and tea as you wish but little else. Other foods types are permitted but are minimal or very restricted. The reason that this diet works is because it is low in calories and not suppose to be a substitute for a lifetime of good nutrition. This diet program is not nutritionally sound, and I urge you to stop after seven days. The cabbage soup diet is also called the 'Sacred Heart Diet' or the 'Mayo Clinic Diet'. However it has no association with any Sacred Heart Hospital or the Mayo Clinic. The amount of what you lose on this diet is important muscle tissue. If you have not been exercising...you will gain the weight back as fat, which is not muscle and therefore you will become fatter.

What is eaten during the 7 day diet plan?

    Day 1- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only fruit and drink black coffee, cranberry juice, unsweetened tea, and water.
    Day 2- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only raw or cooked vegetables but no fruit allowed.
    Day 3 - Drink as much soup as you want and a combination of the first 2 days of eating fruits and vegetables.
    Day 4- Drink as much soup as you want, eat up to 8 bananas and drink skim milk.
    Day 5- Drink soup at least once, eat 6 fresh tomatoes, 10oz to 20oz of beef, chicken or fish, and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water.
    Day 6 - Drink soup at least once, eat 2 to 3 beef steaks with fresh salad or vegetables.
    Day 7 - Drink soup at least once, eat vegetables and brown rice, and drink unsweetened fruit juice.

During this 7 day diet some people will experience being light headed, dizziness and lower ability to concentrate. The soup can taste bland to some people but a little seasoning can be added to improve the flavor. Because this diet is for rapid weight loss, when people go off the 7 day diet plan, the weight loss can be regained.

Sample menu for the week:

1st day
Breakfast - half a grapefruit, sprinkled with cinnamon, a piece of cheese, rye crackers, tea without sugar.
Lunch - vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast (100 g), carrot salad with corn oil, a glass of plum juice.
Snack - glass of natural yogurt with honey (1 spoon).
Dinner - oatmeal (with water) with dried or fresh fruit, 1 glass of yogurt.

2nd day
Breakfast - (kiwi, banana, raspberry) with natural yogurt.
Lunch - vegetable soup with crackers, salad (avocado, tomato, cucumber, lettuce leaves with lemon juice and olive oil) and a fresh peach.
Snack - herbal tea (1 glass).
Dinner - boiled fish (100 g), boiled potato, boiled courgettes with olive oil (100 g), tea.

3rd day
Breakfast - strawberries (100 g), fresh orange juice.
Lunch - vegetable soup, 2-3 boiled potatoes stuffed with tuna, cottage cheese and sweet corn, 2 fresh tomatoes, 5-6 fresh plums.
Snack - fresh fruit puree with natural yogurt.
Dinner - boiled chicken (100 g), boiled brown rice (50 g), salad of fresh vegetables, and a glass of warm milk.

4th day
Breakfast - muesli (30 g) with fat-free milk, fresh fruit, coffee.
Lunch - vegetable soup, boiled chicken, salad of cabbage and cucumber with fresh vegetable oil and lemon juice, apple juice (1 glass).
Snack - fresh fruit salad.
Dinner - oatmeal with honey and a piece of cheese, yogurt (1 glass).

Breakfast - salad of pears, apples, bananas with yogurt, crackers, coffee with milk.
Lunch - Vegetable soup, cauliflower and strawberries with fat-free milk.
Snack - sandwich: black bread with salad and pieces of avocado, orange juice (1 glass).
Dinner - 2-3 apples and natural yogurt, a piece of cheese, rye crackers, tea.

Breakfast - toast and roasted tomatoes with sprinkled parsley or celery, tea with honey.
Lunch - fish soup with vegetables, rye crackers, stewed beef liver (100 g) with garnish of boiled beets, tomato juice (1 glass).
Snack - muesli with natural fat yogurt.
Dinner - stewed liver (150 g), boiled potato (2 paces.), 2 tomatoes, tomato juice (1 glass).

Breakfast - a piece of ham, tomato, pineapple (100 g), warm milk (1 glass).
Lunch - Vegetarian vegetable soup with low fat sour cream, stewed fish (100 g), garnished with boiled beans and lettuce leaves, 2 apples.
Snack - a glass of fruit juice.
Dinner - boiled salmon (150 g), fresh salad of cabbage with olives with lemon juice, kiwi fruit and tea.

 Make Time for your Zzzzz, Get plenty or regular sleep When you don't get enough sleep your appetite hormones are affected, driving sugar cravings through the roof. In studies conducted on college students, they were deprived of just two of the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep, and this led to a marked rise in the hormones responsible for feelings of hunger, and a significant decrease in the hormones that suppress appetite. They had huge sugar and Garb cravings (and not the good kind of Garbs). Whenever you don't get enough sleep your body wants energy and will crave those sugars that can be quickly absorbed. The best way to fight against this urge to overeat is to get more sleep and 'sleep' those cravings away. But remember, it's not only lack of sleep, but also sleeping at erratic times that raises your cortisol levels and causes sugar cravings to intensify. When you don't have a regular schedule for sleeping it interferes with your ghrelin and leptin levels (the hormones responsible for controlling hunger and satiety). By getting at least seven hours or more sleep, at about the same time each night (within about an hour), you will help your body to be consistent in ramping up fat loss during this sugar detox.

In Conclusion This 7-day sugar cleanse is much easier to follow than you may think, and you've already taken the first step toward success by reading to the end of this article. Now you know everything you need to know about the 7 day sugar detox diet and how it can help you lose up to 10Ibs (in addition to other physical benefits). The meals are all designed to be quick and easy to make, which makes this the ideal 7 day sugar detox plan for students as well as anyone who is too busy to prepare complex meals. Although the first few days may prove to be a challenge, by following the steps outlined and staying true to your goal, you will start to feel amazing in no time at all!

Quick and Easy Healthy Chicken Recipes - Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

These recipes for healthy living need not to be bland and expensive; here is a list that can help you create the healthy foodie in you.

1. Light Entrees

Let's begin with low-calorie entrees. One popular healthy recipe for weight loss that is both tasty and below 300 calories is, Grilled Chicken Pineapple salad. This healthy food recipe is a combination of all the nutrients you will need but on a minimal calorie intake. Use skinless chicken breast, get some spinach leaves, pineapple bits, and plate with bell peppers. Dress it with orange juice to give that sweet-spicy twist. You can also add onions for an extra surge of spice.

2. Low-Calorie Breakfast

Breakfast might be the king of all meals for the day, but it doesn't really have to be loaded with so much calories. A lot of recipes for healthy living are interestingly delicious; one that you should try is Poached Eggs with Tomatoes and Mushrooms. To set the egg white, you can pour a little vinegar to make the perfect poach. Sauté the mushrooms and tomatoes separately and do not forget to season with pepper and salt. This healthy recipe for weight loss is tastier when you sprinkle a tablespoon of freshly-chopped chives.

3. Healthy Food Lunch Recipe

It sure is hard to control your hunger pains and food urges during lunch time. However, you should not be disheartened because there are a lot of yummy healthy recipes for weight loss that you can cook for lunch! A usual favorite for the health-conscious women is the Taco and Rice Salad. You can do this easy recipe by first cooking beef along with garlic until brown. Stir in long-grain rice, add seasoning, and top with cheese. Eat with tacos on the side and enjoy!

4. Guilt-free treats

Who says you can't divulge on sweets while having a healthy recipe for weight loss? Hang in there because there is hope for those who have a sweet tooth. One recipe for healthy living that you can count on as dessert is the low-calorie Choco Fudge Brownie. How to make it? Create a mixture of cocoa, salt, and flour whisked into a batter. Microwave the dark chocolate and butter at high mode for 1 minute, stir and let it cool. Add a cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, low-fat milk, egg, and combine by whisking. Pour the batter into pan and bake for 20 minutes.

5. Go light during dinner

If you are a vegetable lover, then you will love this healthy recipe for weight loss that you can eat for dinner. The Coconut and Tofu in Curry Sauce is the next big thing on your dining table. This healthy food recipe has very simple ingredients, you will only need the following: coconut milk, curry powder, cubed tofu, tomatoes, mushrooms, and seasoning. In a large pot, combine coconut milk, curry powder, add soy sauce, ginger, and brown sugar. Bring to boil and stir in the tofu, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions. Cook for 6 minutes until the vegetables are crisp.

Low Calorie Juice Recipes - 9 Healthy Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

Some healthy low calorie juice recipes for weight loss are as follows

1. Slim Me Juice:

Ingredients: 4-5 carrots, half beets, 1 celery, 1 apple, half cucumber.

Direction: Wash, peel and chop the vegetables and blend in a juicer. You may add little ginger if you need some spice in your healthy juice!

2. Grapefruit Orange Juice Recipe:

Ingredients: 1 grapefruit, 3 oranges.

Directions: Take out the juice of these fruits and in a blender. Add ice and sip! Grapefruits are beneficial for losing weight. This healthy juice is also high in vitamin C.

3. ACC Juice (Apple Carrot Celery):

Ingredients: 2-3 apples, 2 carrots, 2 celery sticks, 2 tablespoon lemon juice.

Directions: Core the apples, peel and cut carrots. Add apples, carrots, celery and lemon juice to a mixer and blend well. Pour in glass and add ice if desired. This is a refreshing and delicious low calorie juice.

4. Cleansing Veggie Broth:

Ingredients: 2-3 carrots, 2 celery, 2 beets,3 kale leaves, 1 turnip, half spinach bunch, half cabbage head, half onion, one-fourth parsley bunch, 2-3 garlic cloves.

Directions: Boil the above ingredients and sip! This healthy juice will help in detoxification of the body too.

5. Papaya Passion Juice:

Ingredients: 1 papaya, 1 apple, 4-5 dates.

Directions: Pit the dates and then blend all the above ingredients in a blender. Best when served fresh. This is a healthy juice recipe.

6. Morning Sunshine Juice:

Ingredients: 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit, 5-6 strawberries, half banana.

Directions: Take out the juice from orange and grapefruit. Pour this in the mixer with banana and strawberries. Blend well and serve.

7. Carrot Beet juice:

Ingredients: 7-8 carrots, half boiled and peeled beetroot, 4 leaves lettuce.

Directions: Blend all the ingredients and enjoy this healthy juice recipe.

8. Melon Juice:

Ingredients: 2 cups cubed watermelon, 2 cups cubed honeydew melon, 2 cups cubed cantaloupe, 1 inch grated ginger.

Directions: Mix all the above ingredients in a blender and add ice. This is a refreshing and cooling low calorie juice recipe.

9. Strawberry Delight:

Ingredients: half cup strawberries, 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice, half lemon.

Directions: Blend the strawberries and orange juice with the juice of lemon. Pour in glass and enjoy this nutritious and healthy juice recipe.

Fruits like watermelons, pineapple, papayas, plums, berries and honeydew have low calories. So, experiment and make your own low calorie juice recipes for weight loss. Likewise vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, celery, cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, spinach, apples, oranges and lemons are the healthy choices for creating your low calorie juice recipes for weight loss.

Quick and Easy Healthy Chicken Recipes

For this recipe you will need:

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup Corn Flakes, crushed
1/4 cup Bread Crumbs
Salt to taste

Rub chicken with olive oil.
Add a little salt for flavor.
Pat with bread crumbs on each side
Roll in corn flakes.

Place in prepared baking dish and bake on 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Check for doneness, depending on how thick your chicken breasts are, they should be done or nearly done.

Health Benefits: Chicken is a great source of protein that is low in fat, especially when the skin is removed. If you like the moisture that the skin provides, you can leave it on while cooking but remove it before eating to keep it low fat. Remember every cell in your body depends on protein for growth, be sure to have a serving of protein with every meal.

Karen Ficarelli is the founder of Fitness4Her.com, a diet, exercise program and women's fitness blog, developed especially for women. A mother of three, Karen knows how hard it is to fit everything into a busy schedule. A fitness author, personal trainer, Pilate's instructor, sports nutritionist, fitness model, wife and mom, she's passionate about helping women reach their fitness goals.

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